OLNAWA is a program put together to aid students who have not yet achieved the required standard in the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment.




Each student’s achievement is monitored by the success in completing all scaffolded quizzes culminating in the full practice tests.




Click on sample quizzes below to access a snippet of what is available on the site


Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)

OLNA is an online literacy and numeracy assessment. It is designed to enable students to successfully meet the required standard in Literacy and Numeracy. Students who have not achieved Band 8 in the year 9 component of the National Naplan are required to sit the OLNA. The assessments require students to demonstrate skills that are regarded as essential to meet the demands of daily life. 

Why Subscribe to OLNAWA?

OLNAWA is a program put together to aid students who have not yet achieved the required standard in all components of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment.

It is particularly relevant to ESL (English as a second language), EALD (English as an Additional Language/Dialect) and LBOTE (Language Background other than English) students.

The numeracy component is scaffolded and the language used in the asking of questions is friendly. Keywords are highlighted to make answering the questions more manageable.


Road to Success

Numeracy: Each student’s achievement is monitored by the success in completing the practice tests. The practice tests are colour coded starting with blue (20 questions) and finishing with purple (45 questions). Each practice has extra questions that include a new area (strand) of mathematics. By the end of the program it is expected that the student will reach OLNA 5 (purple). Once this is achieved then success in the next round of the actual online assessment is more probable. To be successful it is most important that students monitor their time. Each question should take no more than a minute to answer as too much time spent on any one question may lead to the student not completing the assessment. The tests are designed to aid the participant in managing their responses so that all questions are answered in a timely manner.

 Reading: This component has three skill builders (quizzes) followed by a full practice. This process is repeated six times. The full practices replicate what the students view on the day.

 Writing: Students have a choice of eight prompts to write responses to. Each response have sample responses that students can compare to their own. There are hints and advice on how to tackle each response.


The Program


What does the student know about the topic? This is a list of questions that the student attempts ‘cold’ to give the tutor/teacher an idea of where the student is at.

Quick check

Follows the background check and is given to those students who demonstrate proficiency in the skills present in the background section. The students working on the Quick check have yet to require guidance in the work to date. These questions are more wordy and make use of the skills covered in the background section of the program.




Completed by those students who have not done so well on the background work. These students would have received some conferencing following the background work to sharpen their skills before working on the module and subsequently the Quick check.






Attempted once the student has satisfactorily completed the Background, Quick check and/or Module. The practice quizzes are designed to give the students the importance of monitoring their time. The five practice quizzes have time limits of between 20  and 60 minutes. The six final quizzes replicate the online assessment that the student sits. A timer is in situ so students are able to monitor their time throughout the practise quizzes.



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